We assure you that all donations from you will go directly to our conservation projects.
Donations help us not only to buy specific equipment or to produce information and educational materials, more importantly, it buys skills and time for our project sites as well.
We want to achieve long lasting effects on community and nature conservation in Mongolia. With your support, we will be able to continue our activities without the worry of time and budget constraints. Many great conservation and research projects are dying because of financial constraints, which we don't want it happen to us.
Here are few ways you can donate:
1. Directly contact with us and tell us your wishes to donate or support our projects. We will find ways for the projects to benefit from your generous donation.
2. We collaborate with many international conservation organizations in developed countries. Many of our sponsors prefer to make donation through such international organizations for tax deduction purposes in their countries. You may ask them to receive the donation and then redirect your donation to our field projects in Mongolia. Please contact us and we will help you to identify trusted partner conservation organizations in Asia, Europe, and North America.
3. You can also send or bring new or gently used items that can be used for field research projects. For detials you may contac us via email at info@wscc.org.mn.
We currently cannot accept money donation through online methods for securtiy reason. Only bank transfer is possible, you can contact us for details via email at info@wscc.org.mn.