Books and guides

Key endangered species in Galba Gobi: status and provisional impact assessments of regional development scenarios

by Nyambayar Batbayar, Bayarjargal Batsukh, Jonathan Stacey, and Axel Bräunlich

First survey mission to the Galba Gobi in southern Mongolia in search of Houbara Bustards and Saker Falcons. The work was conducted by WSCC and BirdLife International.


A Field Guide to the Common Birds of Mongolia

by N.Tseveenmyadag, B.Nyambayar, Ts.Munkhzul

“A Field Guide to the Common Birds of Mongolia” covers 160 bird species that occurs widely in the country. The book is intended for beginners and ordinary people to develop bird watching future in Mongolia.

Safeguarding Important Areas of Natural Habitat Alongside Economic Development

by BirdLife International, WSCC of Mongolia

This report aims to answer questions : Which are the important areas of natural habitat? How many and where are located the important areas of natural habitat in Mongolia? How many important areas of the natural habitat of Mongolia are threatened? How many of the important areas of natural habitat are in our aimag territory? In what ways can local people participate in the protection of important areas of natural habitat? How many of the protected areas overlap with the areas of mining? Should ‘tourist camps’ be allowed to be established within some of the important areas of natural habitat? .


Жижиг шувууны хиймэл үүр хэрхэн хийх вэ?

by Э.Очирханд

Дэлхий даяар хот суурин газар тэлэхийн хэрээр шувууд үүрээ засах, өндөг ангаахайгаа амжилттай бойжуулах таатай орчин хумигдсаар байна. Энэхүү гарын авлагаар дамжуулан суурин газар жижиг шувуудад үүр хийхэд анхаарах зүйлс, үүрний загвар, бүдүүвч зургийг эмхтгэн гаргаж, шувуу сонирхогч болон байгальд хайртай хүмүүсийн хүртээл болгохоор зорилоо.


Program and Abstracts of the 20th Meeting of The IUCN SSC Goose Specialist Group

by Nyambayar Batbayar et al.

Program and Abstracts of the 20th Meeting of The IUCN SSC  Goose Specialist Group. 


Proceedings of the scientific conference on environment and natural resources of Khar Us Lake National Park and surrounding areas

by Nyambayar Batbayar and Burmaa Zambuu

Proceedings of the scientific conference on environment and natural resources of Khar Us Lake National Park and surrounding areas, Khovd, January 2024. National University of Mongolia, Wildlife Science and Conservation Center of Mongolia
